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A person receives a contraceptive implant, being administered by a midwife. Photo credit: IPPF/Kalolaine Fanu


Choice Over Challenge

The Trajectory of Cross-Border Journey of Indian Women to Avail Contraceptive Implant Services in Nepal

Evidence indicates that an estimated 163 million women worldwide face unmet needs for contraception, with the highest proportion of this occurring among women in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. To address this pressing issue, it is imperative to prioritize the inclusion of a comprehensive range of contraceptive methods that cater to the diverse needs of women across various age groups. By ensuring a wide array of contraceptive options, we can significantly reduce the prevalence of unsatisfied demand and unmet needs among women globally.

In a promising development, India recently announced the integration of contraceptive implants into its public health system, which was previously inaccessible and posed significant affordability challenges for Indian women. Monitoring data from clinics associated with the Family Planning Association of Nepal (FPAN, a member association of IPPF South Asia Region) indicates that a considerable number of Indian women, primarily from Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, cross the border seeking contraceptive implant services in Nepal’s Terai Region. However, beyond mere statistics, little is known about their experiences. Consequently, it is crucial to generate evidence by conducting an in-depth exploration of their cross-border journeys.

To address this need, IPPF-South Asia Region and FPAN have collaboratively undertaken a cross-sectional exploratory multi-centric study adopting mixed-methods approach that combines quantitative and qualitative methodologies.

Download the document to read the full study.




