We are seeking applications from national Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Community Based Organizations (CBOs), and private not for profit institutions working in SRHR, based in Bangladesh.
We encourage all potential applicants to review these points carefully before applying, to make sure they meet the critical eligibility criteria.
Applicant organizations must:
• Be a national NGOs/CBOs/CSOs working on SRHR related issues (including SRHR programs and/or services and/or advocacy).
• Be based, operating, and registered as a national not for profit organization in Bangladesh.
• Align with IPPF’s vision, mission and core values.
• Have a strongly proven ability of financial solvency and accountability.
• Have been operating relevant activities in SRHR for at least two years.
• Have or have ambition for a wide geographical presence in country.
• Have a focus on youth and other marginalised or hard-to-reach and underserved populations.
• Be willing to undergo desk-based and field-based assessments (on their governance,
programs, finance, communication, advocacy, and related management systems) and to
submit evidence to IPPF.
• The organization with prior sub-granting experience, will be considered an additional asset.
• The organization's prior experience of working with community networks or groups will be
considered an asset.
For more information contact [email protected].
Download application template here.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. We operate through our affiliate partner in Dhaka; can we be the lead agency with central project team out of Bangladesh and on ground implementation in Bangladesh?
A. Bangladesh registered and based organisations will only be eligible to apply as an implementation partner.
Q. Please help us understand the number of locations /project areas in Bangladesh where the community touch points are required.
A. We are looking at an organisation wherein applying organisation’s reach could be whole of Bangladesh or some divisions/districts/sub-districts of Bangladesh.
Q. We are registered as a for ‘Profit entity’ – are we eligible to participate in this bid; typically, we work with Not for Profits through a service contract.
A. Yes, you can apply, however, selection will be based on a competitive process and organisation fulfilling criteria as mentioned in the call for expression.
Q. Does the application have to be made by a single/sole organisation? Or would a consortium (multiple organisations partnering together) be allowed to apply with one lead and multiple partners?
A. Yes, you can apply either singly or through consortium – mentioning which organisation will be lead organisation, however, selection will be based on a competitive process.
Q. In case of a consortium being allowed, do all the consortium partners need to fully meet the mentioned eligibility criteria? Or is this only applicable for the lead organisation of the consortium?
A. Lead organization can apply, and it is necessary for the lead organization to fulfil all the requirements.
Q. Can documents be shared through google doc rather than hyperlink?
A. Apart from sharing documents through email, organizations can share the documents on/before the timeline through either of the format e.g.: google drive, v-transfer, ftp, drop box etc. Kindly ensure that appropriate access is provided to us to retrieve the documents shared through any of the drives.
Q. What is the deadline for submission of application?
A. Applications will be accepted till 11.59 pm Bangladesh time on May 23rd, 2023.