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Join the South Asia Regional Youth Network

Inviting young people from the region to become part of a youth-led network run by youth volunteers dedicated to promoting sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice in South Asia. Register Today!

IPPF South Asia Regional Office (SARO) is inviting young people from the region (Afghanistan, Iran, Nepal, Bhutan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Maldives) to become part of its South Asia Regional Youth Network (SARYN). SARYN is a youth-led network run by youth volunteers from IPPF’s Member Associations in South Asia dedicated to promoting sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice in the region. The network is supported by Member Associations and IPPF South Asia Regional Office. SARYN shares the core values of IPPF and is committed to the same vision and mission as the Federation.

The network aims to ensure coordination and collaboration of regional youth and their networks through the development of a Youth Regional Strategic Plan (Youth RSP) drawing from IPPF Strategy 2023-28, which aims to strengthen youth engagement in the region and within eight countries on themes of SRHR, Abortion rights, Diversity, and Inclusion, this will be in line with IPPF’s Sexual Rights Declaration/ IPPF’s charter.

IPPF recognises youth and young professionals as champions, knowledge-holders, and innovators thus, firmly advocating that young people hold the key to sustainable development. IPPF’s SARYN is in response to calls by youth to be more engaged in IPPF’s work, particularly in SRHRJ.

Individuals with intersectional identities, including young SOGIESC, people living with HIV and/or disabilities, are strongly encouraged to register.


To be eligible, one must be:

  • Aged between 10-24 years.
  • Affiliated to a youth-led or youth-focused organisation/network/movement, volunteer at respective Member Association OR affiliated to a university or college and pursuing courses related to the thematic areas.
  • Able to clearly demonstrate a multiplier effect of being part of the network. 
  • Willing and able to continue engagement and participation that is in virtual and in-person meetings/seminars at respective MAs (at least 4 events).


The joining process is done online by completing an e-application form accessible https://forms.office.com/r/bPGs4grGUg

