Established in 1959. the Family Planning Association of Nepal (FPAN) is Nepal's first national family planning service delivery and advocacy organization. It is a major collaborator of the Government of Nepal's national sexual and reproductive health (SRH) program, contributing a greater percentage of all SRH services in Nepal annually. FPAN serves Nepalese people in 44 districts, focusing on the poor, marginalized, socially excluded and underserved (PMSEU) populations, which include female sex workers, people living with HIV (PLHIV), LGBTIQ people, injecting drug users, men who have sex with men (MSM), migrant workers, people with disabilities (PWD), survivors of gender-based violence (GBV), urban slum dweller and people affected by disaster and crisis.
The mission of FPAN is to "champion a volunteer movement for increased provision of SRHR to all, particularly to those most at risk, marginalized, and under-served". The planned outcomes set by FPAN for the strategic planning period (2016-2022) include: Nepal Government respects, protects and fulfil sexual and reproductive rights and gender equality; Nepalese people empowered to act freely on their sexual and reproductive health and rights; a high quality integrated sexual and reproductive health services delivered; and a high performing, accountable and strong FPAN.
The success of FPAN is due to its extensive and diverse network of service delivery points, as well as its expertly trained staff and volunteers who provide services in areas where they would otherwise be unavailable. FPAN provides an Integrated Package of Essential Services (IPES), which includes sexuality counselling, contraception, including emergency contraception, safe abortion, STIS/RTIs, HIV & AIDS, obstetrics, gynecological and sexual & gender-based violence services. These services are provided across 974 service delivery points (including 270 clinical SDPs, 22 family health clinics, 56 community health clinics, 75 associate clinics, 117 mobile teams, and 794 non-clinical service delivery points). FPAN provides approximately four million SRH services each year across its service delivery points, with family planning accounting for 40%, STIs/RTIs for 14%, gynaecological services for 12%, HIV services for 10%, and other services accounting for the remaining 24%.
FPAN has eight clinical training centres that are connected to its family health clinics, which provide full range of family planning and reproductive health services. The training centres are accredited by the National Health Training Centre, (MoHP). These centres provide a variety of family planning and sexual and reproductive health training to health care providers from FPAN, government, and non-governmental organizations (NGO) health facilities.
Trusted: FPAN is leading SRHR agency in Nepal having established its credentials by: Chairing the Non-government Organization Coordination Committee (NGOCC); providing technical capacity to national and local health CSOs and CBOs on SRH including family planning and; being a member of provincial RH committees of all seven provinces of the country
Last mile reach: FPAN has service delivery points across the country providing 25% of the national share of basic reproductive health services and of which 85 percent clients coming from the poor, marginalized and vulnerable communities.
Strategic Partner: Played a significant role in the formulation and implementation of Safe Motherhood and Reproductive Health Act, RH regulation and various guidelines (RMNCAH guideline, helpline guideline) (SMRHR & NAHDS 2020).
Community-led: Delivers a very effective and efficient contraceptive and abortion care services through successful task shifting and a well-organized Community Based Distributors (CBDs) network which helped place FPAN in top 10 providers of Couple Years Protected amongst IPPF MAs.
Youth - focussed : Pioneer for youth based SRHR, including the successfully integration of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) into grade 9-12 curriculum, in Health and Physical Education subject.
Agile: Forerunner in adopting IPPF’s Social Franchise Framework Development, diversifying funding sources and advancing towards sustainability. (Raised 206,000 USD in 2020). FPAN is also ready to start IVF and hormonal clinics soon.
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+977-1-5010240, 5010104, 5010275, 5010270Address
Harihar Bhawan, Lalitpur, PO Box: 486, Kathmandu, Nepal